YouTube – FormCraft to ConvertKit


Advanced Form Integration plugin allows you to integrate FormCraft to ConvertKit. When a user fills a form on your website, the plugin will send the data to your ConvertKit account and create a contact in the preferred contact list. You can also add custom fields & tags.

2 Sample Contact Forms

Supported Features

  • Create a new contact with all basic (Name, Email, etc.), custom fields and tags. It also allows adding the contact to a preferred contact list.


  • The feature requires a Pro license. BUY NOW!
  • Make sure that the Pro version of the Advanced Form Integration plugin is installed and activated. You should have got the links in the email after purchase. You can also download it anytime by logging into the user dashboard.
  • Read plugin documentation for FormCraft and Campaign Monitor. It is not required but helpful for a better understanding.

Obtaining ConvertKit API Key

Before start, you are required to save the API Key in plugin settings.

  1. Log in to your ConvertKit account.
  2. Go to Account Settings > API Key
  3. Copy API Key.
  4. Now go to AFI > Settings > ConvertKit and paste the key.
  5. Click Save Changes.

Create New Integration

Once API Key is saved you can start creating new integration. Click on Add New under AFI menu, New Integration page will appear.


A default title will be auto-generated with an auto incremental number. You can rename it to something related to the task. It will help you to quickly recognize the correct one when there is multiple integrations setup.


Select FormCraft in From Provider dropdown. FormCraft plugin must be installed and activated otherwise you won’t see it listed. After selecting FormCraft, all forms built under FormCraft will be fetched and auto-populated in the Form/Task Name dropdown. Select the form that you want to integrate.

FormCraft – Trigger setup


Select ConvertKit [PRO] in Platform dropdown.

ConvertKit – Action Setup

Map Fields

Available contact lists will be auto-populated. Select the desired one. Map Email, First Name, etc., and other fields that you want. Skip the fields that not needed. Finally, click the Save Integration button.

ConvertKit – Map Fields

Conditional Logics

Frequently asked questions


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Reach our support team at [email protected]

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